the everything birth course!
You cookin’ a baby? Welcome!
Pregnancy is a wild ride. Have these questions run through your head…
What do I need to know? Will I poop? Will I tear? What are my pain options? What happen if I need a c-section? Where do I even start?
I am so proud of you for looking into birth education! Whether you choose my course or a different one. Education is KEY to feeling confident and empowered. As a labor & delivery nurse, it’s nearly impossible to teach everything to patients in the time we have in our shifts. It’s so important to take your education into your own hands and feel prepared
omg, a baby will be coming out of me.
omg, a baby will be coming out of me. ✺
Hey there! I’m Mackenzie. I’m a labor, birth, and postpartum nurse. I have two boys; a 1 & 4 year old. I am IN the parenthood trenches just like you. My mission is to be your nurse bff who candidly reveals the real world of birth & parenthood—the highs and the lows.
I created this course to teach you the basics of everything: pregnancy, anatomy, labor, birth, comfort measures, epidurals, inductions, c-sections, and postpartum care. I want you to feel informed and know your options for birth.
My goal is for you is to walk into your birthing room excited and ready to meet your baby. No fear, no confusion, just confidence and trust in your innate power and body.
What you’ll learn…
Click each topic to see all the videos offered.
The Everything Birth Course has 8 modules with a total of 77 videos so you can learn the basics of everything.
✺ Your Pregnant Body
✺ The 3rd Trimester: What to Expect
✺ Kick Counts
✺ Hospital Bag
✺ Birth Plan
✺ Birth Prep
✺ The 4 Ps of Labor: Pelvis, Passenger. Powers. Psyche
✺ Cervical Exams
✺ Hormones of Birth
✺ Pre Labor, Timing Contractions, When To Go To Hospital
✺ Your Water Broke!
✺ Stages of Labor
✺ Early Labor
✺ Active Labor
✺ Transition
✺ Pushing & Birth
✺ 3rd Stage: Birthing Placenta
✺ Perineal Tears
✺ 4th Stage: Recovery
✺ Prepping Your Body for Birth
✺ Comfort Tool Box
✺ Positive Birth Stories
✺ Power of Words
✺ Build a Peaceful Room
✺ Breathing
✺ Visualization & Affirmations
✺ Channel your Inner Cow
✺ TENS unit & Comb hack
✺ Hydrotherapy
✺ Movement
✺ Massage
✺ Counter Pressure
✺ Examples
✺ IV Pain meds
✺ Nitrous Oxide
✺ Epidural
✺ Pudendal Blocks
✺ Intervention Tool Box
✺ Inducing Labor
✺ Membrane Sweep
✺ Cervical Ripening
✺ Pitocin
✺ Breaking your Water
✺ Alternate Induction Methods
✺ Common Monitors
✺ IVs
✺ Use your BRAIN
✺ Forceps & Vacuum Assisted Birth
✺ Why do C-sections Happen?
✺ Anesthesia for a C-Section
✺ What to Expect During a C-section
✺ Belly Birth Requests
✺ First 24 Hours Post C-Section
✺ C-section Recovery
✺ First 2 Hours After Birth
✺ What to Expect in the Hospital after Baby
✺ Bleeding, Stitches, Cramps - oh my!
✺ In My Diaper Era
✺ Sh!t That Happens After Birth
✺ Back in the Sack
✺ Healing not Hosting
✺ Breast Changes
✺ Leaking and Letdowns
✺ Clogs & Mastitis
✺ Milk Supply aka your BREAST-aurant
✺ Postpartum Mental Health
✺ Newborn Appearance
✺ First 24 Hours with Baby
✺ Second Day with Baby
✺ Newborn Care
✺ Safe Sleep
✺ Soothing Baby
Sneak Peak Inside…
Birth classes are a incredibly important investment. Enjoy these two videos from the course so you can get a feel for my birth class vibes.
Is this labor?
When is the best time to go to the hospital? How can I tell the difference between practice contractions and real labor? Are there pre-labor signs? How do I time contractions?
I got you! This video should give you all your answers.
Birth Tool Box
This is the introduction to your “birth tool box.” A box that has all our tools for birth. In this course I will teach you about ALL these tools in your tool box. You get to decide which tools you want to use for your birth.
Why take a class?
Feel confident and ready for birth
Partners feel prepared for their role
Less likely to be induced
Lower use of pain meds during labor
Decrease risk of unplanned cesearan birth
Minimize the use of medical interventions

I am ready for my best birth.
The Everything Birth Course from Mackenzie on Motherhood
Purchase a gift card for a loved one to use to buy the course. You will be able to email the gift card to the recipient.
✺ Frequently asked questions ✺
The ideal time to take a birth class is generally during the end of your second trimester to early third trimester, around 24 to 34 weeks. Starting the class during this period allows you ample time to absorb information, practice techniques, and prepare for birth. It's recommended to complete the course a few weeks before your due date to ensure the knowledge is fresh in your mind.
Unless you’re in labor- it’s not too late. Keep in mind this course is 5 hours in it’s entirety. While it’s best to slowly go through the class as to not overwhelm yourself- you can also binge this class in a day or over a weekend.
Absolutely! It’s best to watch this course together so you are both on the same page. I give specific instructions on what the partner can be doing during different stages of labor and how partners can be an active support person in labor. It’s also important for partners to watch the postpartum and newborn sections so they can really understand what this next phase of life will be like.
No matter how many kids you have, there is always something new to learn. While the process of birth you may already know. The coping skills, pain management, induction, and medical intervention modules will still teach you knew ways to cope through labor and you may learn new options for your birth that you didn’t even know about! Taking this birth class can help prepare you to make sure things are different this next time giving birth.
Yes. While I am a USA based labor & delivery nurse, majority of the course is about what is happening to your body and baby. The birth process and postpartum body transition is universal no matter what country you live in. There are some sections for example what to pack in your hospital bag, and what to expect in the hospital that may not apply for someone outside the USA. However these are minor parts of the course.
Yes. Whether you are planning on a unmedicated labor, induced labor, or getting an epidural- all types of birth are discussed. There is no bias toward a certain way of giving birth. There is a lot of information for labor coping skills for unmedicated birth. There is also a pain management section if an epidural is calling your name.
Absolutely! While this course doesn’t have a specific VBAC section, the course is designed to provide comprehensive information on labor, coping, and what to expect in a vaginal birth (as well as c-sections).
After purchasing, you have immediate access to the class. You can view it on your phone, tablet, desktop, laptop, and/or smart TV.
Yes, you have the flexibility to learn at your own pace. The course is self-paced, allowing you to revisit lessons and modules whenever it's convenient for you.
Once purchased, you'll have unlimited access to the course materials. There is no time limit. So if you have another baby, you’ll be able to come back and rewatch the class again for a refresh.
This childbirth course qualifies for HSA/FSA reimbursement through many insurance plans. Please consult your insurance provider regarding coverage details and documentation requirements.
Certain insurance plans may cover the entire cost or provide reimbursement for a portion of the course enrollment fees. We recommend reaching out to your insurance provider directly to inquire about the specifics of your individual situation.
For any documentation or information required for your reimbursement process, feel free to email me at
Yes! You can purchase a gift card and have the gift card be directly emailed to the recipient or you can email the gift card to yourself to print out and give in person. P.S. You win the award for best gift giver.
Due to the online format of this course all sales are final. However if you strongly feel that this course did not meet your expectations, please email me and we can discuss further
Please email me at